Visitors Center Show May 2023
This show by Sally Rhone-Kubarek, themed “Four on Four,” featured works done in 4 different media. Each medium was displayed on a separate wall in the auditorium area of the Fredericks Visitors Center. The show was hung in the end of April with an opening on the first Friday in May and remained in place until the end of May.
Following is a poster, some snap shots of the show and an inventory (individual pictures may be looked up under the “work by Sally” section of this site):

- Acrylics:
- 1. Feeding Pigeons
- 2. Asian Market
- 3. A Day at the Beach
- 4. Ferry Farm
- 5. Reenactment
- 6. Wood Carver
- 7. The Answer is Blowin’ in the Wind
- 8. Summer Day
- 9. Above the Abyss
- 10. Chocolate, Strawberries & Powdered Sugar
- 11. Striking Gold
- Encaustics
- 1. Marina di Pisa
- 2. Hush
- 3. Emerald City
- 4. Lost Path
- 5. Hadrian’s Wall
- 6. Scanno Steps
- 7. Warm Day
- Pastels
- 1. Pieces of History
- 2. Laundry Day
- 3. Quiet Moment
- 4. Hydrangea
- 5. Sunny Morning
- Watercolors
- 1. Italian Thistle
- 2. Alaskan Poppies
- 3. Rock Flowers
- 4. Blue Thistles
- 5. Arezzo Flea Market
- 6. Fall Flowers
- 7. Tumble Weeds