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Author’s Note:

Mindelmo began life in the late “80’s” when I was asked by an American school teacher in Germany to write a story using a second grade reading list.  The story evolved and changed as i began to add illustrations. However, the original list gave birth to Mindelmo with such words as deep, damp, dark, farm, corn, forest, stars, moon, field, cow, and sheep.  Other words were lost to further rewrites.


As I worked, Mindelmo grew in personality and began to wonder why he was put in the forest.  I laid down the paint brush an started on a prequel that explained his predicament. I went back to illustrating only to begin wondering if he was really happy once he returned home and I began writing the story of his life in the castle.


The prequel and sequel have not yet been illustrated. I plan to work on them in the future.


Hope you enjoy the story of Mindelmo as much as I have.

Sally Rhone-Kubarek

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